Sunday, April 4, 2021



         Hey guys, civil engineering are a professional branch of engineering. It is disciplines that cope with the planning, designing, construction, and maintenance of structures. It also involves public work like roads, railways, bridges, dams, canal, tunnels, pipelines, sewerage systems, water treatment plants.

       Civil engineers are work for society to protect it from natural disaster like mainly earthquakes and tropical storms, helping water management as well as management of energy resources.

Civil engineering makes efforts to make people’s life easier by contributing their work.


1.     Construction engineering

2.    Structural engineering

3.     Transportation engineering

4.   Geo-technical engineering

5.    Water resources engineering

6.    Environmental engineering

1 Construction engineering

It is the branch of civil engineering. The projects such as public work like roads, railways, bridges, dams, canal, tunnels, pipelines, sewerage systems, water treatment plants, etc. they are completed with some planning, management, and execution, that means the whole operation for these all project is controlled or done through the construction engineering.

Structural engineering

It is the branch of civil engineering. The main or most important purpose of any structure is to transfer load safely in any condition. For example, in the building construction, load is transferring slab to beam, beam to column, column to foundation, then finally foundation to soil. Through that process stability of structure is maintain.

For the detailed analysis and design of architectural structures, civil infrastructure, aerospace, mechanical, naval structures, structural engineers are responsible.

    Transportation engineering

It is the branch of civil engineering. Transportation problems include congestion, pollution emissions and accidents, these topics directly impact on social and economic development of country. Therefore, the proper planning, designing, maintenance of safe and effective transportation system and operations are done through transportation engineering.

 Geo-technical engineering

It is the important branch of civil engineering. Every structure is supported by soil or rock so the specification and capability as well as so many characteristics of soil should know to us. For this study geo-technical engineering helps us. Through the overall study of soil and its characteristics we can safely construct the structure on it.  Designing, analysis of foundation, slopes, embankment, landfills, tunnels or any other detailing are easily understand and can work supremely through the information met by the geo-technical studies.

       By this engineering we can protect our structure from earthquakes, rock falls, sinkholes, landslides, and liquefaction.

Water resources engineering

Water is most important element for living. So water resources engineering is most useful engineering branch. Through that engineering nearly all required amount of water is trying to fulfill by particular planning and proper management. It also includes the maintenance of quality of water by providing proper treatment to the water. As well as it includes the storing proper amount of water so that water can be utilized very well. That is why, many water resources system should have to construct for, to feed the requirement of public, commercial, and industrial Water demands.

1.Environmental engineering

Civil engineers design water supply and wastewater drainage for the public so that to control environmental pollution and protecting public health. Due to, human waste disposal in cities create nuisance and a serious health problem. That means the things are designed by civil engineers which affect the environment because it’s highly impact on the public health. Life in cites, due to industries and pollution re directly affect to middle Ages, difficult, sad, and usually short.                  

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