Tuesday, April 6, 2021

What Is Standard Brick Size in India?


 As a building material, Brick is a commonly used. Clay, sand, lime and bearing soil or other concrete materials are mainly used for manufacturing of bricks. From country to country, Size and dimensions of brick are model usually differed. As per utilization and availability, the bricks have ability to get molded along with required strength as per function.

After finding the correct ratio of dimension, their sizes determine. As larger bricks are hard to burn uniformly, also they are hard to maintain strength and durability.

With a single hand, these bricks become too heavy to be placed. And if we think about smaller size brick, they require more quantity of mortar which increases cost of construction. So in this article we understand What Is the Standard Brick Size In India?


Importance Of Brick Sizes :

From the very beginning, the dimension and size of brick is very important. The bricks are used in various constructions. Different fields’ works need a different size as well as shape of a brick. For different uses, different countries make the brick in different ways. For getting specific design, construction need or production, standard brick sizes are made.


Brick Orientation :

A brick is an element of three dimension which are length, height and width which also refer as thickness

· The Brick is three dimensional element but it can be laid in six different orientations.

· When the brick is placed on its stretcher, height and length which is called face dimension.


  Brick Dimension


·  It is important to understand different ways of discussing sizes of brick. 
·  It is important to know about the different dimensions of bricks, to avoid confusion during design and construction. 
·  Different dimensions of brick are as follows :
1.  Specified dimensions 
2. Nominal dimensions 
3. Actual dimensions.

1.      Specified  Dimensions :

·  It is defined as the dimensions of brick without consideration of mortar

·  In rational design of brick masonry, structural engineer used them

·  In the absence of corresponding nominal dimensions, only specified dimensions are used in non-modular construction.

2.      Nominal Dimensions 

 ·  Nominal dimensions of bricks are used in modular construction

·   It is the addition of specified size plus the width of the mortar joint

·   These dimensions produce modules of 4 in. or 8 in. ",

·   The building materials such as doors, windows, and wood components have same the modules, which has bricks’.

3.      Actual Dimensions :

·   It is defined as the measurement of bricks which is getting from the manufacturing plant  of bricks.

·   Within a tolerance of the specified size or dimensions, the actual dimensions are.

·   The type and size of bricks effect variation of tolerance.

·  The applicable ASTM standard specifications of Tolerance is given by,

ü  Standard Specification for Facing Brick - ASTM C216

ü  Standard Specification for Hollow Brick- C652,


 Standard Brick Size in India







·   Modular brick  has size of 19 × 9 × 9 cm and 19 × 9 × 4 cm which is the  size of  a standard brick
·  When 19 × 9 × 9 cm brick, placed in masonry with mortar, it becomes 20 × 10 × 10 cm.    
·  However, the bricks available in most part of the country still are 9" ×4”  × 3” also known as field bricks. Weight of such a brick is 3.0 kg.
  Frog is provided in brick, so that it can hold mortar and create proper bonding between      mortar and brick. 10 × 4 × 1 cm is the size of frog.
·  For 4 cm high bricks and extruded bricks, frog is not provided.
· Normally, the shape of brick is rectangular which can be conveniently handled with one hand.
·  The length, width and height of a brick are as below:
                           Length of brick is equal to twice the width of brick plus thickness of mortar
                            Height of brick = width of brick
  Types Of Standard Size Of Bricks
·     Generally, in India four standard sizes of bricks are used as follow:
1.      Modular bricks
2.     Non modular bricks
3.     English size brick 
4.     Conventional bricks

 1.      Modular Brick

 The Brick along with cement mortar joints is called Modular brick ,

 In India, 190mm × 90mm × 90mm ,it is The standard modular size of common building  brick with specification (length × breadth × height)

  These are machine-made bricks


2.      Non-Modular Bricks :

 230mm × 110mm × 70mm & 230mm × 110mm × 30mm are size of Non – modular bricks which may be used.


3.      English size bricks :

  230mm × 115mm × 75mm of this size  is commonly used in India.


4.      Conventional bricks:

 Conventional bricks, 230mm × 110mm × 110mm of this size is commonly used in India.



  The Standard Sizes Of  Burnt Clay Bricks

·   The bricks are made by burning clay in kiln. IS mentioned about the standard size of burnt clay brick :


1.    Heavy duty burnt clay bricks (is 2180)

They are similar to burnt clay bricks as well as both have the same size. It make differ each other by their compressive strength, it has high compressive strength.


       I.            Class 400:

  •   The compressive strength of these bricks should not be less than 40.0 N/mm2 , it should be but less than 45.0 N/mm2.

    II.            Class 450:

Tolerances (mm)


Subclass A


Subclass B



± 3


± 7



± 6


± 15


2.  Heavy Clay Perforated Bricks (IS 2222)

·  Heavy clay perforated bricks have cylindrical holes throughout their thickness, high compressive strength with less water absorption.

·   The process of burning for these bricks is easy and economical.

·   They required less quantity of clay which make bricks are also light in weight.

·   Vertical or horizontal is the direction of perforation.

·   These are used in building walls and partitions walls.

·    Larger dimensions should be parallel to longer side of the brick in case of rectangular perforations.

·     Dimension:

These are available in the following sizes. (i) 19 × 9 × 9  cm.

                        (ii) 29 × 9 × 9  cm.


Dimensions  (cm)

Tolerances (mm)


± 4


± 7


± 10


 3.   Burnt Clay  Paving Bricks (IS 3583)

· These bricks contain more iron content than that in the ordinary clay bricks.

· From surface clays, impure fire-clays or shale, paving bricks can be manufactured. For paving bricks, shale is most commonly used raw material. They are burning seven to ten days continuous in kiln.

·    Dimensions:  

The available sizes are:

 i) 19.5 × 9.5 x 9 cm,  (ii) 19.5 × 9.5 × 4 cm

·      Tolerances:

Dimensions (cm)

Tolerances (mm)


± 6


± 3


± 3


± 1.5

4.  Burnt Clay  soiling  Bricks (IS 5779)

  •  These are used for soling of roads.
  •   Dimension:

           These are available in the following sizes. (i) 19 × 9 × 9 cm. (ii) 29 × 9 × 4 cm



Ø  Different Form Of Bricks:

Some of the common type of bricks, depending upon the places of use,


·  Round ended and bull nosed bricks are used to construct open drains.

· For door and window jambs, cant brick, also called splay brick,

·   Cornice brick is used from architectural point of view

· A compass brick—tapering in both directions along its length—used to construct furnaces.

·  Perforated brick is well burned brick, but is not sound proof.

·     Hollow bricks are about l/3rd the weight of normal bricks and are sound and heat proof, but are not suitable where concentrated loads are expected.

·    Top most bricks course of parapets is made with coping bricks. These drain off the water from the parapets.

·    Split brick is used at plinth level and for door and window jambs.

·  When the brick is cut along the length, it is called queen closer.

  •    When cut at one end by half header and half stretcher, it is known as king closer.


1 comment:

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